

although i'm only writing this blog because i have obviously too much time on my hands, i generally enjoy sharing anything music related with the world and therefore welcome any kind of feedback - criticism, suggestions for improvement or praise, you name it! if there's anything you'd like me to know, drop me a line in the comment box under the individual posts or send me an e-mail to:

bands/musicians who would like to be featured on my blog, should use the e-mail address above.

constantly on the way to a better place... is also on facebook, so give it a 'like' if you enjoy reading the blog.

*all photos used on the blog that do not (!) have the "constantlyonthewaytoabetterplace" mark on it, are not (!) mine and randomly taken from the internet. credit obviously goes to the person who took the photo. i will try to credit photos if i know or can find out who owns it.

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